Musings of a Married Woman 2 - Flawed, but Loved

When he first told me he loved me, I made him a list of all the things I consider as flaws in myself. I had warned him that I am not perfect - that I was probably not who he thought I was. He had a choice to take back what he had told me. His answer was a pleasantly surprising, "I know", amidst contagious laughter. He was going to stay and love me anyway.

Even though we ended up laughing off the list, looking back, I think it was important that I set the record straight at that early stage. Because I didn't want him to come with the perception of finding in me a perfect human. Because I'm not. And I know it.

What we often see in this world are couples who mask their real selves to win over each other. But alas, for how long can one hide? It is true that some day your partner is going to see you for who you are. Will they continue to love you then?

Oh, to be loved for who we are is a wonderful feeling! Simply knowing that someone loves us, despite our shortcomings, makes us want to be a better person. That's exactly what the love of Christ can do! He disciplines us by simply loving us and refusing to let us go. All we need to do is stop and acknowledge that love - and see what magic that will work for us!

To all the lovers out there:
If you are masked - Why be loved for who we are not? Why not give ourselves a chance for who we are?

To those who are surprised that their once-perfect partners are no longer so - Why are we so surprised when we find out that people are flawed? That's what makes them REAL.

Let's try to imitate the love of Christ in our relationships. When we love the other for who they  are, we will forgive them when they falter, and we will be forgiven when we do the same. We will continue to love and be loved each day, despite our shortcomings! This will motivate us to be better. To try harder. To learn from each other. To grow beside each other.

Like the old saying goes, beauty does lie in the eye of the beholder. Perspective can change everything. So, put on those rose-tinted glasses and see your partner for and as the wonderful person they are in your life!:)


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