Dogs vs Cats

Recently, I took a poll on Instagram (screenshot attached below) just to get some proof about something I already knew to be true. There are more "dog people" or dog lovers in the world than there are "cat people". Only two people responded to my poll saying that they loved both cats and dogs, one of them being me.
Screenshot from my Instagram Poll

The reason? Dogs are friendly, lively, over-the-top expressive and totally adorable -- none of which I'm denying and do fully agree with! But what I hate is the other side of the argument made by people who don't like cats. They say that cats are boring, distant, arrogant and always with their claws out to scratch. You know what, there's nothing wrong with the cats - it's you who are judgmental! Trust me, I've seen enough dogs and cats in my life to know this.

It's true that cats don't fall in love with you the minute you meet them. Cats are cautious with people; they like to observe, take their time - before they commit to loving you! They may not approve of you touching them like you've known them all their lives; they believe in consent and there is nothing wrong with that!  But once they have accepted you as their own, they are playful, loving and fun... funny, even! And yes, cats do appreciate some alone-time because that's how they recharge; that's how they are wired.

A few weeks ago, I was having this very discussion with a dog person who hates cats - and surprised myself with a sudden and shocking revelation. Dogs are the extroverts of the animal world, and cats are the introverts!

Picture by Alexis Chloe on

Being an introvert myself, I've struggled with my identity throughout my growing years. Sometimes, I sit in a corner alone reading a book, because I like to and enjoy some quiet, down time - not because I am a loser with no friends. I don't go out making "best" friends by the minute, because the friends I choose for myself are extremely special and I don't - I can't - make friends until I take my time. Again, that doesn't mean I'm anti-social; it just means that I make friends, my way. And yes, I'm not the loudest in a room full of acquaintances, but I can talk one-to-one for hours with someone I know is listening. I cannot impose my presence or my thoughts on anyone - I need to know before I say a word that the person really wants to know what I have to say. Just because I'm not smiling like we're long-lost friends the minute we meet or refuse to make eye contact when it's not relevant, doesn't mean I've got a bad attitude - it just means that I don't like faking what isn't there. My argument is ditto for the cats!

Cats seek attention from the people they consider their own. On the other hand, they run away from people who are giving them attention when they don't want it. Just like introverts!

I know it comes naturally to extroverts to be all that they are - just like dogs (I love them to bits, btw)! But hey, what I don't like is that a person or animal being one way shouldn't be reason for you to judge another person or animal who isn't the same. Growing up, I've learnt to mix and match - to tone down my introvertedness in order to feel more accepted, more appreciated. But you know, it shouldn't have to be that way!

If you compare a dog with a cat (or an extrovert with an introvert) and expect one to be like the other in order to be deserving of your love, you're doing it wrong. Take a moment to be empathetic, instead - look at the world from their place, for a moment, and I bet you will start appreciating the intelligent and observant nature of cats just as much as you appreciate the mad wagging tails of drooling dogs. Every human and animal can teach you a valuable lesson - if only you give them a chance. Learn self-care from cats, learn to take time to think and reflect upon life like introverts, learn to let go of inhibitions like extroverts, learn to love unconditionally like dogs.

And whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, it doesn't matter - don't be ashamed of your natural wiring, but do remember to make provision to learn from every person who comes your way. Because, why not!

Picture by Snapwire on
PS: Honestly, these arguments between dog people and cat people can get so heated sometimes, even dogs and cats don't worry so much about their differences!


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