Understanding Kairos (Part II): A Time for Everything

It was exactly a day after I had finished bleeding. Exactly a day after I got out of doctor-ordered bed rest.

Exactly on that day, my doctor had said the "baby" was no longer in my uterus, when she said I could go back to living my life as usual.

Exactly on that day, my parents-in-law landed, so they did not see me in that condition.
Exactly on that day, my mom called me to ask if I could go home and help; she needed to take dad to the hospital. It waa COVID; we hadn't identified it yet.

Now consider the timing of this. 
Had I still been pregnant or bleeding or on bedrest, I wouldn't have been able to go or be there for them. And that's a fact I cannot help but reflect on, often.

Exactly on that day, I travelled the 34 kilometres to my parents' home. As mom took dad to the hospital, I took over. 

There were two dogs that needed to be fed. My sister was in college and having her practical exams.

There was the task of finding a cab for my parents after they were turned down by the hospital that first diagnosed him with COVID--and waited out on the street--in the midst of a night curfew.

There was then the task of finding a hospital that would take my dad in, in his condition, and treat him. And arranging for my employer's mediclaim policy to cover the expenses.

My mom came back home, but had to be quarantined in a room. So, upon her instructions, I would cook and serve meals at the door for her. And for my sister, the dogs, and myself. I washed dishes at 3:00 a.m. and woke up again by 5:00 a.m. when the dog wanted to be left out.

I helped my sister Dunzo the clothes she made or the papers she drew her designs on to her college because she wasn't allowed to go to college because there was COVID in the house.

I slept in the hall, on the sofa, wearing a mask all day. I sometimes sent sad selfies to Arpit. Once, he covered the 34-kilometre distance between us to come and deliver some homemade food. Although we couldn't cover the last 6 feet because of the need for social distancing.

I spoke to God in the dead of the night. I recorded voice notes. He spoke to me through old song sheets (more on that here).

Imagine - if I had been pregnant or bleeding or on bedrest, would I have been able to do any of this? Could I have shown up for my family like that?

So January 2022 had been the wrong time for a pregnancy, and the right time for me to serve my family.

And no, it was no coincidence. You know how I know?

Exactly 1 year later, I found out that I was pregnant again.

This time, the hospital we found (although not perfect, but had a great doctor) was barely 2 kms from my home. [Check Part I for context on this]

Exactly a year later, and it was exactly a week after we moved to a new house, close to my parents. Because God! God knew I needed them during the pregnancy!

The due date was also almost the same, just one year later. 

And this time, there were no doubts in my mind. I was wholly prepared, even though we weren't really "trying" at the time. It just happened. In God's opportune time.

That's why we say we believe in biblical "Kairos". Because, now, we have a daughter who is also our testimony, a testament of God's faithfulness.

That's why, I urge you today, to take heart if you are feeling lost and waiting for something that hasn't come your way yet.

Because as someone wrote in this song, "In His time, he makes all things beautifu, in His time." ❤️


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