Hey Boy

Hey Boy,

It has been a while since we've had one of these chats.

It has been a while since I held you tight, since I caressed your head.

I know you have missed my nightly assurances of "I love you" through the door just before the lights turn off.

I know you have missed the treats I would always save for you.

I know I haven't stood up for you in a while, in the way I always used to.

I know...I've been busy with the baby. I haven't made enough time for you.

Oh Sparkie Boy,

It has been a while since we've had one of these chats... the ones where I tell you what a good boy you are, and you agree!

It has been a while since I held you tight, since I caressed your head... I've been worrying about getting your fur on my clothes because I now carry a baby.

I know you have missed my nightly assurances of "I love you" through the door just before the lights turn off... just before I shut the door to go to bed, even as you kept guard.

I know you have missed the treats I used to save for you...the bones off my plate have always been your favourite, and my tea-time biscuits too!

I've been busy with the baby, I know. I haven't made enough time for you... And now I worry that it might be too late to make it up to you.

So let's catch up now, shall we?

You rest your beautiful head and tired body on your cushion. I'll crouch down, you don't have to jump up.

I'll caress your head and tell you how much I love you.

I'll call you by all my favourite nicknames for you.
"Sparkie Boy."
And as some of my friends might remember you, "Sparkie irki" 

I'll say I'm sorry for the time I let you fade into the background because I was busy taking on a new role, holding someone else tight.

I'm sure you understand. 
But I'm not sure if I'll ever stop regretting that I didn't get this right.

But come, now, I don't know how much time we have left.
So come now, let me reassure you one more time that you are... like you've always  been...my good boy, no, the BEST!


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