Understanding Kairos (Part II): A Time for Everything
It was exactly a day after I had finished bleeding. Exactly a day after I got out of doctor-ordered bed rest. Exactly on that day, my doctor had said the "baby" was no longer in my uterus, when she said I could go back to living my life as usual. Exactly on that day, my parents-in-law landed, so they did not see me in that condition. Exactly on that day, my mom called me to ask if I could go home and help; she needed to take dad to the hospital. It waa COVID; we hadn't identified it yet. Now consider the timing of this. Had I still been pregnant or bleeding or on bedrest, I wouldn't have been able to go or be there for them. And that's a fact I cannot help but reflect on, often. Exactly on that day, I travelled the 34 kilometres to my parents' home. As mom took dad to the hospital, I took over. There were two dogs that needed to be fed. My sister was in college and having her practical exams. There was the task of finding a cab for my parents after they were...