Love & Forgiveness
How often have you claimed to love someone but found it difficult to forgive him/her when something went wrong? Think about some of your friends, who are no longer your friends because they wronged you in some way or the other. What about your relationship with your partner? Is your love still as strong as it used to be, or has it deteriorated with time and inevitable wrongs on either side? We all know that no one is perfect, except God. When someone blames us for something wrong we have done, we immediately point to this fact as an excuse. We say things like, "Everyone makes mistakes", "As if you are so perfect!", and so on. Then why is it that we, despite knowing all of these things, find it hard to forgive? Are you opening your mouth now to tell me that you do forgive the people you love? Because you must, and according to the Bible, love isn’t love without forgiveness. If you read 1 Corinthians 13, you will find the various qualities of love listed o...